IoTrix (Io - Intelligent, Trix -LED matrix) app is designed to control the P10 Led Matrix and Led Stip.Control how messages look on P10 led matrix and control the brightness and animation of led strip via the app on one touchLed Matrix Features:1. Single screen Blink mode2. Double screen Blink mode3. Simple Message mode4. Scrolling Message mode5. Split Display mode6. Temperature mode7. Counter mode8. Easy Brightness control9. Three Mode Display control10.Switch on/off the display11. Control the Display size from 32*16 to 64*64.Light Strip Features:1. Two Led Strip Control2. Blink mode3. Fade mode4. Alternate light mode5. Brightness control6. Speed control How to connect 1.Connect your hardware to the router 2. Scan the device in-app and connect it Support Hardware :1. Esp82662. ArduinoHow to use it.1. Download the App 2. Download the demo code 3. Check the detailed Guide on linkYou can find the complete detailed guide at Link:- you have any queries or suggestions, you can directly drop a mail to our team at
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